Content Writing For Law Firms

Content is king. This is especially true for attorneys and law firms that want to rank in competitive markets for competitive keywords. Service industries like the legal industry are extremely competitive and involve a carefully curated legal content creation and blog plan.

At aha SEO, our marketing agency has years of experience helping personal injury, family law and defense attorneys rank for competitive keywords in their target market that lead to cases for personal injury, family law and criminal defense firms. Contact our experienced agency to create the SEO content writing law firms need to increase organic visibility to generate conversions.

Content Writing for Law Firm Resources

Why Choose Us?

The team at aha SEO, has the experience, insight and knowledge that drive organic rankings for short and long tail keywords. Using proven content writing for law firms that increase organic rankings and white hat link SEO methods, management has helped legal websites jump from outside the top 100, to the #1 SERP position markets with one million plus people.

The legal content creation team at aha SEO, offers competitive pricing and short term SEO contracts.

  • Short term contracts (6 months)
  • Introductory pricing
  • Data driven track record
  • Blog posts
  • Supplemental and long content conversion
  • Technical SEO setup
  • GBP posts
  • Monthly content packages
  • Trend forecasts
  • Unique content

SEO Contracts & Content Creation for Law Firms

Some marketing agencies require law firms to sign off on 12 month contracts. Other agencies make attorneys sign off on contracts that are longer. This locks a law firm in with an agency that may, or conversely may not, know exactly what they are doing.

Large agencies with higher employee turnover rates can pass your campaign from one SEO to the next. Some of these agencies hire individuals with little to no industry specific experience. Due to the unfamiliarity, scheduled content may result in less than desired results.

When you jump on the phone to discuss this, a Project Manager – that likely is not involved in the content creation process – will feed you information that may be inaccurate.

You won’t find that at our legal SEO agency.

At aha SEO, our SEO agency does not force clients into year long, or multi-year contracts. While price breaks are offered that lock in pricing for those that wish to jump in for the long-haul, six month contracts are offered so lawyers can test the waters before they make a large commitment.


What Should Attorneys Include in a Legal Blog?

Think of a blog as content that is ancillary to a practice area. While a blog may not contain information that directly deals with a practice area, a blog helps provide informative content and answers search queries.

In the legal industry potential law firm clients can do extensive research before selecting an attorney. The queries that a potential plaintiff has may be long-tail in nature. Law firms that have well built blogs can capture these queries and provide information that can eventually lead to a completed contact form, and ultimately a case for the law firm.

Popular blog posts for personal injury attorneys cover topics that touch bases on local level and state level statutes, laws and regulations. These blogs also can include topics that pertain to safety and help answer queries

  • How much does a personal injury attorney charge in {Target Market}?
  • Are damages taxable in {Target Market}?
  • What is a contingency fee in an injury case?
  • Can I Collect Damages In {Target Market} If I Was Partially At Fault For the Accident?
  • 10 Facts About {Target Subject} in {Target Market}

Search intent, user experience and creativity are important factors that push traffic to a target destination. Companies that offer pricing that is too good to be true, tend to be. Keep an eye out for content written solely by artificial intelligence, content cannibalization and duplicate content across posts and competitors sites. Additionally, ensure that the content is written by an individual that is fluent in the English language. Not native speakers that attempt to write copy, frequently have numerous grammatical, punctual and content errors. Ensure that your copy meets the standards of your site before publication.

How Can a Legal Blog Help Lawyers?

Legal blogs help potential plaintiffs or customers understand an area of the law, or the local or state guidelines specific to a potential case or tortious claim.

Good legal blogs should answer questions that are frequently asked by the general public and those that are interested in hiring an attorney for a case.

If an individual in need of legal services clicks on your law firm’s website and finds the answer that they are looking for, a contact form submission is only a few keystrokes and a click away.

Additionally, Google values sites that provide expertise and authoritativeness. A legal blog that is properly set up with good organization will satisfy important requirements.

Should Attorneys Write Their Own Blog Posts?

Attorneys are subject matter experts and those that actively practice law have met the necessary criteria for their respective state(s) bar associations.

While many attorneys have the knowledge, experience and expertise to write their own legal blog posts, most lawyers do not have knowledge of the current developments of the legal search engine optimization techniques and content writing important to rank for SEO.

In other instances, posts written by attorneys may touch on topics that are too technical in nature and difficult for the masses to comprehend. Writers with a knowledge of copy generation can help SEO for attorneys to achieve more traffic and answer search queries for prospective clients.

Additionally, keyword research and understanding of popular queries helps drive organic traffic to a website. Posts written by attorneys may lack the necessary link building, content, headers and proper SEO writing techniques needed to outrank the competition.

FAQs & Legal Content

Frequently asked questions are a great resource that provides users answers to commonly asked questions. In the legal landscape, these FAQ pages may answer questions regarding the local, state and federal laws.

FAQ pages marked up with the proper script helps search engines better understand what a page is about. If Google understands the page better than a competitor in your market, chances are that your page will rank higher in the SERPs.

Know Your Market

An improper understanding of a market, can lead to humans, and machines disliking your content and thus a decrease in organic SERP rankings.

Keyword volumes, competition and market behavior differs greatly from one market or region to another.

What works in one market may not work in another.

Let’s use a law firm that wants to target cases involving car accidents in their local market.

What is the market behavior? With popular queries including car accident attorney, auto accident lawyer, car crash law firm and dozens of other potential contenders – how should a law firm optimize a target page for these keywords.

Do some of these queries have a high CTR, but a low conversion rate? Maybe a regional term or synonym dominates queries in a market. Our Legal SEOs identify ideal keywords that meet and surpass the goals of our clients!

With proper planning and understanding of the local market, aha SEO performs the research needed to properly optimize sites to increase transactional goals, and ultimately conversions and revenue.

Contact the Experienced Legal SEO Company at aha SEO

Stating a legal website from scratch or in need of a website revamp? The legal SEO experts at aha SEO help personal injury attorneys, family lawyers and criminal defense firms rank organically with legal content and blog services. Free audits available to outline the legal content writing for law firms. Contact our firm today to see how aha SEO can help!

When you have that aha moment, we’re a-happy to help!