San Diego SEO Company

aha SEO is a highly experienced San Diego SEO Company! Our experienced SEO analysts have tens of thousands of combined hours of experience in the digital marketing sector. We have dedicated our professional careers to help small and medium sized companies increase their reach within the search engine result pages (SERPs). 

Our SEOs are always adapting to recent organic Google updates and implement tried and true methods to increase rankings organically. Contact us for a free site audit and evaluation of your site!

San Diego SEO Resources

Why Choose Us?

Many of our competitors throw around SEO as a trendy buzzword and as a way to upsell their clients. The majority of these competitors however do not understand the best practices of SEO and thus fail to deliver on the expectations promised.

That’s not the case at aha SEO. We fully understand the complexities associated with organic rankings and are here to help our clients succeed in climbing the organic rankings. We offer full SEO setups and have preset packages, as well as custom packages and a-la-carte pricing. Our San Diego based SEO Company specializes in helping businesses that provide services to increase web traffic, establish domain authority and ultimately increase sales. 

What Separates aha SEO from Our Competitors?

Many digital marketing agencies have sales people, account managers, designers, developers,  project managers, content writers, SEOs, accountants, operations managers and C Level employees. While this may fit the needs of some businesses, these larger digital agencies tend to have much higher monthly costs and subscription fees associated with their services compared to smaller agencies. 

These higher costs are partly attributed to the fact that there are many more hands in the pot compared to smaller agencies. That and the overhead costs are higher for medium sized businesses compared to small businesses. 

With all of these hands in a pot, the costs increase and project managers can shield the individuals that are actually doing the SEO work. You won’t find that at aha SEO. 

At aha SEO our project managers / account managers, SEOs and content writers specialize in numerous facets of the job. This helps keep the job exciting while also helping keep costs affordable for our clients. Simply put, the person you speak to is performing the work. 

When selecting an SEO company,  keep an eye out for marketing agencies that offer services that are very low in cost. SEO companies that promote prices that are too good to be true tend to use spammy techniques, outsource their services and/or oversell and underdeliver. 

With aha SEO our marketing services give businesses the confidence of a California SEO company that provides transparent pricing, results and allows clients to speak to the individuals that matter. 


What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, commonly called SEO, involves numerous variables and signals that SEOs send to search engines to help the artificial intelligence understand the content on a target destination. 

Numerous variables are weighed when a search engine identifies what should be included at the top of a page.  


What Industries Does aha SEO Specialize In?

At aha SEO specialize we specialize in representing businesses that offer services to their customers. Our office has 5+ years of experience serving businesses in diverse industries that range from automotive, recreational activities and legal services. The industries that we specialize in include:

  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Real Estate
  • Automotive 
  • Professional & Business Services
  • Dental
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Travel, Recreation & Hospitality 
  • Event Planning
  • Consultants
  • Education & Child Care
  • Landscaping
  • Construction
  • Health & Wellness

If you are the managing member of a company that wants to invest their marketing budget wisely, contact our company for a free website audit. SEO helps businesses keep their investment by driving organic traffic and has long-lasting benefits on a website.

How Can SEO Help My Website?

You may have looked at Google Analytics ® or Google Search Console ® and asked yourself “Why is my website not ranking”. 

While the question is simple – the answer to this question may be caused by factors – or a combination of factors. 

Common reasons why websites do not rank for a desired keyword, or do not rank on the first page, include (but are not limited to):

  • Slow website/ page speed
  • Poor site structure 
  • Improper SEO setup 
  • Improper use of headers
  • Not enough target keywords in headers 
  • Not enough target keywords in content
  • Keyword stuffing in headers
  • Keyword stuffing in content
  • Poor URL structure
  • Technical SEO issues 
  • Poor content
  • Content cannibalization 
  • Large media files
  • Not enough media files 
  • Improper media file names
  • Manual actions against a website
  • Outdated content
  • Duplicate content
  • Minimal quality backlinks 
  • Minimal internal links
  • Missing local SEO presence
  • Redirection issues and broken internal or external links
  • Incorrect use of anchor text
  • Google is not indexing site/ page(s)
  • Missing sitemap 

At aha SEO, our SEOs understand why websites are not ranking and have the problem solving skills to identify the issue(s) and work towards a solution. Some websites can have numerous issues, our free SEO audits help identify the causes of these problems and we work to a solution. 

What Services Are Included in an SEO Package?

At aha SEO ®, our company offers three different tiers of SEO Packages. These packages are catered to help any business with organic growth. The industry of a business will impact the budget and necessary resources.

More competitive industries cost more than less competitive keywords. 

At aha SEO – we provide a number of packages to best suit the needs of service based industries. Our offices are located in California and provide SEO service packages to increase traffic and accelerate positive rankings with a SEO and PPC approach.

Our packages include:



Have a question about something else? We’d love to chat. Reach out to us to learn more!

How Long Does an SEO Campaign Take?

Results from SEO generally take at least six to nine months to gain traction. However, dependent on the market and target keyword, some queries may see results in three months or less!  After 180+ days a company should begin to see the benefits of SEO in direct traffic, organic traffic and an increase in contact form submissions. 

How Much Do SEO Services Cost?

At aha SEO, our services start at $500 a month for introductory packages. We offer pricing on a monthly basis and provide price breaks for companies that pay for twelve months or more.

Different industries and markets are much more competitive than others, so before aha SEO can offer a quote, please contact us so that we can better understand the needs of your company and industry. 

The difference in competition between industries is astounding. An event planner’s targeted keywords may cost $2, while keywords in the legal industry can exceed $1500. Due to this large variance, please contact us for a quote. 

Contact aha SEO for Experienced & Professional SEO Services!

At aha SEO Our SEO analysts understand the importance of SEO and cater to the specific needs of our clients and their industries. Our goal is to simplify SEO and make the industry digestible and easy to understand so that our clients better comprehend and grasp what the benefits of SEO are. 

At aha SEO our motto is when you have that aha moment we’re a-happy to help. Invest in your company by leveraging the power of search engine optimization. Contact us today to learn more.