San Diego Content Marketing Company

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question “why is my website not ranking” or “how can I get more leads from my website” a large answer to the question involves a thoughtful and researched content marketing strategy. 

At aha SEO we understand the importance of a thorough content marketing strategy. We are here to help businesses grow with everything you need, and nothing you don’t!

Content Marketing Resources & FAQs

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a service and component of digital marketing that involves the management of content generation and enhancements to create and distribute relevant, authoritative content. This content needs to address various industry-specific issues and queries to demonstrate Experience, Expertise, Authoritiveness & Trustworthiness (EEAT). 

Content marketing is less concerned about branded content, and focuses more so on the interests of the product or the service that is being marketed. 

What are Different Content Marketing Areas?

In the 2nd decade of the 21st century, there are many platforms of avenues to market products and services.

The most popular platforms of content marketing include written copy, video content, podcasts and social media. 

Within each of these platforms are a number of entities that publish material (many free of which are free to use). These platforms can then be leveraged to increase pertinent content awareness across written, video, interactive visuals, audio, interactive and word of mouth. 

Some of the most popular areas of content marketing include:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Infographics
  • Assets
  • Industry research 
  • Social media posts


How Can Content Marketing Help My Company?

Content marketing is important because it answers given queries by an industry’s target audience. Content marketing helps establish trust with a target audience and assists in creating authoritativeness – an important ranking factor for Google and other search engine platforms. 

When content marketing is done properly, enhanced with the appropriate technical SEO, and written and organized with SEO in mind, an industry and industry players can benefit from a content marketing campaign.

These campaigns can drive up interest in any given industry or topic and spread new topics, ideas and information to target markets and untapped markets alike. 

A content marketing campaign that is well run, organized and answers questions while incorporating expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness is very beneficial to any entity that wishes to increase the awareness surrounding a product or service. If an industry is highly competitive, more resources need to be allocated to the campaign. Content marketing is especially important for legal content, medical, automotive and other highly competitive industries. 

What are Short Tail Keywords?

Short tail keywords are search terms or keywords that are frequently three words or less and outline a general terminology, expression, concept, idea, person or any other query. 

Short-tail keywords tend to be more broad in nature and generally have a higher competitive score associated with the query. Some examples of short tail keywords include:

  • Food near me 
  • {Target Market} injury attorney
  • Hotels in {Target Market}

Some of these queries can be incredibly difficult to rank for. The first page of rankings are commonly dominated by large organizations, directories and businesses with huge marketing budgets and years, or in some cases, decades of web seniority and the domain authority that comes with it.

These variables can make it incredibly difficult to rank for these targeted keywords in a search engine without link building campaigns and creative, unique and authoritative content for short tail keywords that are difficult to rank for.

In some instances, it may best suit a campaign to embed the target keyword in a longer tail keyword. Short tail keywords can be framed in the forms of a question or embedded in longer statements that are less competitive. 

Queries that are 4+ more words in length are generally considered long tail keywords. 

What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are keywords that have billions of annual search queries, but have a much lower amount of monthly searches compared to short-tail keywords. 

While these keywords have a smaller amount of search volume compared to short tail keywords, long tail keywords equate to roughly 95% of total queries. 

Long tail keywords may be in the form of a question, statement a how to or other form. The good news about long tail keywords is they tend to be much less competitive and easier to rank compared to short tail keywords. 

How Can Keywords & Content Help My Business?

In digital marketing the old adage goes content is king. 

But in reality it should be well organized and fresh content is king.

Google puts a heavy emphasis on authoritative content. It also helps to refresh your content to account for recent updates and events. 

Well written content that is authoritative in nature and written with the reader and SEO in mind will increase organic rankings. When compounded with technical SEO, rich media and social media a website can experience great increases in traffic. 

Long tail keywords can focus more on niche subjects and specifics compared to broad queries like “cars”

When an individual searches for something as broad as cars, search engines have a difficulty understanding what the intent of the user is. 

  • Does the user want to buy a car?
  • Does the user want to sell a car?
  • Does a user want to learn about the history of cars?
  • Does the user want to buy car parts or modify a car?
  • Does the user need a car serviced?

Leveraging more specific queries and embedding these queries into a website’s content can help increase the organic rankings on a site. 

How Long Do Content Marketing Campaigns Take?

This is a loaded question, with no one size fits all answer. Depending on several variables a content marketing campaign can take a few months to a few decades. 

Most entities however have content marketing campaigns that take a few years and then release content periodically after that. The newer the industry, business and/or product the more resources should be expensed toward a content marketing campaign.

Content marketing campaigns can vary significantly in size, to discuss an option that is catered to your business, target market and industry contact aha SEO today for a free evaluation. 

Contact aha SEO | Experienced Marketing in San Diego, CA

At aha SEO, our motto is when you have that aha moment, we’re a-happy to help! Let our experienced team create the unique content businesses need to separate themselves from their competition and create organic natural leads that last for the long-term! Contact us to see how we can help!